Advanced Fee Inheritance Fraud

The majority of the world population has an email address, which means the majority of the world population has also received a scam email saying that they have inherited a huge amount of money from a foreign country. 

A big load of money is always tempting, but there’s always a catch: before they can receive the money, they have to pay a fee that represents a small percentage of the money they’re being promised. This is called advance fee inheritance fraud. 

It’s very important to be well-informed about this common scam that many people fall for. The more information you have and can share, the less chance that you or someone around you will be tricked by this scam. 

Spam from foreign countries

For many people around the world, the “inheritance” is so tempting that they pay the requested fee. However, the fee cannot release the money promised. At this point, the scammer might ask for more money for other fees or services, or they may disappear immediately, but whatever happens, the money never appears. Only after waiting and calling with no answer, will they realize they fell for a scam? They did not inherit any money from a distant, unknown relative in a foreign country. The money they paid is gone, and they see no way of getting it back. 

What you should do if this happens to you 

Many people feel afraid and ashamed to admit that they have fallen for this kind of scam. If this has happened to you, do not feel ashamed: you are the victim of a fraud. You can take action. There are a few things that are important to do. Immediately after you realize you were scammed, call the police. They will either investigate directly or tell you what relevant authorities handle this sort of case (depending on where you live, there may be an agency that specializes in fraud). The police will also track if these scams seem to especially be targeting people in your area, and may enlist the local media to help them spread awareness and protect other potential victims. The second most important thing you can do after speaking to the police and other relevant authorities is to collect all the contact information from the “agent” that contacted you. All emails, all information you have about them, and all proof of any funds you sent to them. The authorities may want this information for their investigations, but they aren’t the only ones who will use it. Take that information to Claim Justice, because there’s good news for you.

You can get your lost money back

No, you don’t have to pay more large fees in order to hire a lawyer to get your money back. There are people out there fighting for justice. They are fighting for people who fell for a scam and lost their money to online frauds

Claim Justice is a trusted solution

Claim Justice works for justice and has helped many people get their money back. We assist you through the full process of getting your money back. 

Although we have a high success rate, we are not miracle workers. In order to get your money back, we need to locate it. And the money has to have been paid through your credit or debit card, or direct debit order. If those two conditions are met and you provide all the information you collected about your case, there is a strong possibility that we can get your money back.

Who can use the service of Claim Justice?

Anyone who meets the above requirements of Claim Justice can use our service. We are an international company helping scam victims around the world. 

To increase your chances of success, show proof of the money you paid, the transfer, the date, etc. All relevant information about the payment(s) you made. You will also need to show proof that you have already requested that the scammer return your money. We need to see that you have tried to contact the “agent” handling your case. All documentation, emails, phone records, messages, etc. If you cannot provide all of this information, you are unlikely to get your funds back and it may not be worth your time to contact us. 

What is the chance that I will get my money back?

This is a legitimate question many people have: will you really get your money back? What is the chance? 

There is no guarantee that you will get all of your money back. If you get all of your money back, it will take time. Claim Justice works quickly, but we have to locate the money before it’s possible for us to refund it back to your account. This does not happen overnight: it might take days, weeks, or even months. The process is unique for every case, but long as it takes, Claim Justice sees it through until the end. 

Most people who have contacted Claim Justice end up getting their money back. 

Claim Justice is trustworthy and will do our best to fight for justice and for you to get your money back. 

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